beautiful dolls

The graceful and mysterious, delicate and playful… Porcelain beauties by Marina Bychkova embody the ideal of “eternal feminine.” Marina wrote on her website: “My need to work with dolls became evident as a calling when I was six years old. As a child I became painfully aware and appalled at the mediocrity and the uninspired dullness of mass-produced dolls. This profound frustration coupled with my natural sensibilities inspired me to create my own dolls, suited to my own ideas of feminine beauty.” We’ve already written about beautiful realistic dolls of Alexandra Kokinova and cute handmade dolls by da-bu-di-bu-da. These dolls are absolutely different but each one has its own character, it’s not just a toys for adults but real people with feelings and habits. It seems like each of these figures has a whole history that they just can not tell us.

Beauty and the Beast

beautiful dolls


beautiful dolls

The Bloody Lady Elizabeth Bathory

beautiful dolls

Golden Lilly

beautiful dolls

Stages of Grief

beautiful dolls

Olga Larina

beautiful dolls


beautiful dolls


beautiful dolls

beautiful dolls

beautiful dolls


beautiful dolls

beautiful dolls


beautiful dolls


beautiful dolls


beautiful dolls

beautiful dolls


beautiful dolls

Young Cixi: the Dowager Empress of China

beautiful dolls

Elena the Beautiful

beautiful dolls


beautiful dolls

Bride of Frankenstein

beautiful dolls


beautiful dolls

beautiful dolls


beautiful dolls

beautiful dolls

Echo – The Emperor’s Youngest Daughter

beautiful dolls

beautiful dolls

Makhdot – Daughter of the Moon

beautiful dolls

Cosmos Exploratum Genesis

beautiful dolls

Agnetha – The Other Woman

beautiful dolls

Imperial Concubine

beautiful dolls

beautiful dolls

Nitocris: The first Woman-Pharaoh

beautiful dolls


beautiful dolls

Kia – The Water Nymph

beautiful dolls

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