The following unsettling art project may seem rather playful and unpretentious at first, yet this is actually a great series on a serious issue. Being made by a well-known French artist and photographer with a graphic design background – Frederique Daubal – and entitled ‘Hide and Seek’, this photographic series quite probably touches the issue of human integration in the community. Being formally pages from fashion magazines, Frederique cut these facial renditions into tiny vertical strips and made them into masks resembling Muslim niqabs. So the featured characters wear a bit unnerving veils and with all that they bring up the philosophical question of visual identity and perception. Overall, this photo series doesn’t feel any forced and uninspired, quite the contrary – with rather haunting and thought-provoking images it simply leaves us pondering what is there behind these masks, what are the stories hidden within those visages. That’s conceptually creative, indeed.