Beautiful And Original Product Designs

Successful product design manages to reveal useful functionality beyond its appealing form. No matter how excellent a design looks like, most customers aren’t likely to spend money on something they won’t be able to use. On the other hand, most people are likely to buy something useful despite the design it has. Yet the key […]

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Up-Inspired Floating House

Our awesome partners over at National Geographic sent over these incredible photos, as they just wrapped up creating a real-life version of Pixar’s animated hit film Up. It’s pretty amazing what human beings are capable of… Yesterday morning, March 5 at dawn, National Geographic Channel and a team of scientists, engineers, and two world-class balloon […]

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Beastman’s Creative Walls By Beastman

Beastman is an artist, designer and photographer from Sydney, Australia who creates intricate, symmetrical paintings. They portray a world of hope and survival inhabited by beast-like creatures. These instantly lovable characters reflect human nature and our everyday burdens and struggles. Beastman makes his mark all over Australia helping us find hope in a world we […]

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25 Examples of Amazing Packaging Design

Packaging design can make a profound difference on the sales of a product and how it is viewed by customers. In this post we’ll provide a showcase excellent package designs for your own inspiration. Web designers often need to turn to offline source of inspiration rather than only seeking inspiration from other web designs. Vajo […]

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Celebrity Photography by Marc Hom

Marc Hom moved from his birth place of Copenhagen, Denmark in 1989 to New York City after finalizing his photographic studies at the Danish Art Academy in Denmark. After completing eighteen months of freelance work with established New York based photographers, he was commissioned to do a book of images for the Vienna Ballet. Hom […]

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Black and White Photography by Jim Kazanjian

Jim Kazanjian received his MFA from the Art Center College of Design in ’92. His BFA was completed at the Kansas City Art Institute in ’90. He has worked professionally as a commercial CGI artist for the past 18 years in television and game production. Various clients he has collaborated with include: Nike, Adidas, NBC, […]

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